Command Line

Replace Genius supports command line arguments on startup. This makes it possible to control Replace Genius from scripts and similar. There are two "modes":

  1. If you start Replace Genius with a filename as command line argument, it will attempt to load this file on startup. When the file has been loaded, nothing more will be done.

  2. The more advanced mode allows you to load, process and save a file from the command line. You must give Replace Genius instructions on what to do:

    • /l "[path to file]" - The file you want to load.
    • /s "[path to file]" - This is where to save the file after processing.
    • /p "[name of preset]" - Processing is done by telling Replace Genius to apply one of the presets. This is simply the full name of the preset.
    • /x1 [number] and /x2 [number] - If you are loading an Excel spreadsheet you must tell Replace Genius what worksheet (x1) and column (x2) to load. This must be a number (not a name or letter).

    Here is an example. Note that you should always put " around the filenames and preset names:

    ReplaceGenius.exe /l "d:\lorem ipsum.txt" /s "c:\processed.txt" /p "my preset"

    After the file has been save, Replace Genius will automatically quit.